Only Three Weeks To Go!
We have started the SERIOUS countdown now!!! There are only just under 3 weeks to go before my boys and I head overseas to Malaysia and Thailand. We are sooo excited. We have begun packing (well at least thinking about it) and are starting to organise some other bits and pieces. This time in 3 weeks I will be shopping in Singapore......WOW! It is so hard to believe that we are actually going. I don't have any pics to share with you as yet but I had the best weekend. On Saturday morning I headed up to Whadda-Load-Of-Scrap for our annual Crop, Paper, Scissors Mini Retreat. Jason could not believe all of the stuff I was may have been easier to hire a trailer!!!!!! Our day began at 10:30am and we went on until 10:30pm. When we arrived we found a goodie bag filled with all the products from the Bella 'Ruby Rock-It' range. It was soooo exciting - I just love the papers!!!!!!! We also had special coffee mugs that were painted with 'Crop Paper Scissors 2009...