CUT to YOU announcement...

I know right!!!! 
I am still pinching myself, I can't believe the announcement of the new CUT to YOU Design Team has been made.

I am so honoured to have been chosen to join Gwen's team and am so excited for my term on the team with these amazingly creative and very talented ladies.
You will be blown away by their amazing work and their creative use of the beautiful cut files from the CUT to YOU store.

Be sure to follow our journey as a team by following blog 

And check out all of the girls on their Insta or Facebook accounts:
@pineapplepapers @suss_creative @rebecca_lockhart1 @tambuck @sara.scraps @karenlexie72 @m_sweetman @jamiegetscrafty @createdbygwen @paper_route_scrapbooking @bappleicious @mfield30 @rikkig80

And I will be reigniting my love for blogging on this page.
Can't wait to see what you all think about my creations.

Thanks for stopping by,

Mel xx


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